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CPO’s: Stop posting yourself online

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Once again- stop posting photos of yourself standing next to a famous principal, or sitting on their private jet.

I know ‘other people’ do it.

I know that self-promotion is important.

But this is not the way to get ahead in this industry.

The most in-demand CPO’s do not do this. They’re known because of their years of professionalism and discretion. They have earned it legitimately, the hard way. The only way.

There is no shortcut.

Whilst you might feel like it gives you instant credibility to show yourself working at a certain ‘level’, it actually does the exact opposite.

For prolific recruiters of CPO’s, the immediate reaction is ‘Ah. An over-excited amateur who lacks either the knowledge or self-discipline not to publicly shout about it. I’ll never use them.’

I’ve had people argue how it didn’t impact operational security for this reason or that reason, that it’s an old photo, that the principal insisted on the photo, that it was already open source anyway so it doesn’t matter….the list goes on.

The reality is, that there is no way of 100% knowing of any operational vulnerabilities it may represent.

It also shows you either haven’t read or have chosen to break your contract and NDA, or worse, you’re working for a company that has not provided a contract or NDA.

This is enough for ‘some’ competitors to capitalise on as a way in to take the contract. And I don’t blame them. Why should that client be paying for an amateur service? Serious repercussions for you, the company you work for, and any others who work with you. Think about the bigger picture, not the Instagram picture.

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